Friends of ALIPAC,
You know you have hit a nerve when you send out a press release criticizing Obama's comment "You Need To Make Sure Your Children Speak Spanish" accompanied with Rasmussen polls that show over 80% of Americans disagree and within 48 hours several major pro Obama media networks and the Obama campaign responds!
Now, let us remind everyone that ALIPAC is not endorsing a Presidential campaign and we promise to dish it out to Obama and McCain equally where they are out of line with your views on illegal immigration. In this case, we took action against Obama after seeing many of your responses to his statements.
In the last 48 hours the New York Times, ABC News, CBS News, the Associated Press, and the Economic Times from India have all come to Obama's defense against the ALIPAC Press Release after the Obama campaign officially responded.
Obama's strategy is to dodge the issue of his comments about Spanish and to try and redirect this by admitting that he does not speak any foreign languages, that he wants kids to have more knowledge and skills, and that learning other languages is a good thing.
The biased media reports are defending him in three ways:
1. They are playing up his response about learning other languages being good while many of the reports completely omit his comments of contention, "You need to make sure your kids learn Spanish." They are omitting this comment and the Rasmussen Polling we provided in the release showing opposition to what Obama said.
2. They are attacking ALIPAC and claiming our press release comments that "Barack Obama has stepped on a political land mine by stating Americans should be forced to learn to speak Spanish. They claim he did not say Americans should be forced. We stand by this comment because parents "making sure" their "children learn Spanish" would give American students very little choice in the matter. We also used the word forced because Americans are already being forced to push '1' for English and to learn Spanish to keep their jobs or to be hired for many jobs thanks to the millions of illegal aliens who refuse to learn English.
3. Obama and the media are claiming this is a "Republican" attack on his campaign which is false. ALIPAC is a nonpartisan political action committee. That is our official designation with the FEC. Many Republican websites published our press release while removing the language "Obama is completely out of touch on immigration issues just like McCain."
ALIPAC never tried to distort what Obama said like these propaganda outlets are doing. We even provided a link directly to his speech in our press release!
One of these press responses claims we stated on our site "Voters Reject Obama's call for Bilingualism." We did not say that; Rasmussen Reports Polling said that. See for yourselves at...
Monday, it is our turn to respond.
Please review all of these materials below. If you have reviewed all materials and you would like to express your opinions or suggestions for our response you can do so by posting at this link or replying to this e-mail. Please do not respond unless you have thoroughly reviewed all materials.
To post your feedback and suggestions, do so at this link...
To review the VIDEO of Obama's statements visit this link...
To review ALIPAC's Press Release causing the uproar visit this link..
Media Defense of Obama in Order of Publication
To see the New York Time Response, visit this link...
See ABC Defense of Obama
Associated Press Defends Obama
See CBS Defense of Obama
To see the Economic Times of The India Times response...
Again, if you would like to give us your opinion on what has happened and what we should do next, respond to this email or post at this link....
Thank you for reviewing these materials and sharing your views with us. This is the wildest response we have ever seen to one of our press releases.
More good things to come!
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