In his first ad of the post-primary season Obama exaggerated his legislative record and now in a second ad he continues to deceive. We have already noted how he claims credit for welfare reform despite being against it (and exaggerates his role in implementing the policy) but it turns out Obama even lies about his own history:
Obama’s latest ad repeats an often-stated claim, saying he “worked his way through college and Harvard Law.” We know Obama took out loans to get himself through school. But the campaign provided information on just two jobs Obama had in those years, and they were both in the summer.
[. . .]
The ad begins with the announcer telling us that Obama “worked his way through college and Harvard Law.” Actually, Obama took out loans to get himself through college, as we heard in a 60-second ad his campaign began running last month. We don’t know how much assistance his family provided.
But “worked his way” through college and law school? The only back-up the campaign provided for this claim was a quote from Obama’s book “Dreams from My Father” having to do with a construction job he had one summer while he was in college, and an article mentioning his job as a summer associate one year at a big Chicago law firm. We asked campaign spokesman Tommy Vietor if Obama held jobs during the school year, or other summer jobs, but he said only, “He had the two jobs I told you about.” Unless Obama had a good bit more employment than his spokesman was able to describe for us, it’s a real stretch to claim he “worked his way” through school.
This guys resume is so thin he has to exaggerate his work in college! And we all thought the Clintons were the audacious liars!
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Barack "Hussein" Obama
Sunday, July 6, 2008
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