Exclusive: Obama’s Excellent European Adventure, Part Deux?
Pam Meister
Barack "Hussein" Obama has said he has no time for Town Hall Debates with Sen. John McCain and the American People, he is too busy Jet Setting with the Anti-American Celebrity crowd!
Never say Barack Obama is a quitter. Despite the noticeable lack of bounce from his recent sojourn to the Old World (not enough air in his tires, perhaps?), he plans on returning to Europe after the Democrat Convention in order to woo celebs and other well-heeled supporters in Geneva, Switzerland at an event hosted by none other than George Clooney.
Yes, that George Clooney, who recently bought the rights to yet another anti-Iraq war film and is considering one of the lead roles for himself. Considering how well other anti-war films have done recently, you know he’s not looking to make money but probably has his eye on Oscar. And he’ll no doubt get it for being “brave enough” to make a movie that is critical of our presence in Iraq. Sticking it to the man, questioning authority, and all of that rebelliousness that made the ‘60s so repulsive…I mean, groovy, man, groovy! Peace out.
I tell you, if you could bottle Clooney’s brand of bravery, Osama bin Laden and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be begging to turn themselves into the feds! But be sure to question the timing if it happens on Bush’s watch.
For $1,000 a pop, you can hear Clooney sing the praises of Obama at the reception. And if you’re one of the lucky few (75 to be exact), for $10,000 you can sit down to a rubber chicken and arugula dinner while Obama talks about the bitter, gun-clinging Bible-thumping folks back home who couldn’t afford a plane ticket to Geneva, let alone spend another ten grand to see the Messiah turn a commonplace meal into an elegant feast just by being there. (I have a feeling Mayhill Fowler from Huffington Post won’t be invited to this one.)
Another Kodak moment, brought to you by the Obama campaign. Say Brie cheese!
It’s funny how Obama is planning to go to a fundraiser in Europe hosted by a mega celebrity, considering the outrage by his campaign over this ad by the McCain campaign about Obama’s high-flying celebrity status. And so soon after the convention? Shouldn’t he be campaigning here in America? Shouldn’t he be accepting John McCain’s invitations to join him at town hall meetings so he can take questions on the issues from real, everyday Americans about things like the economy and national security?
All throughout this campaign we’ve heard Obama claim that his opponents are using “distractions” in order to avoid talking about the real issues. In fact, I almost feel that “distraction” has become a dirty word. Yet the biggest distraction during this campaign has been Obama himself. Not only is he telling everyone what they can and cannot talk about – we can’t mention his former pastor, his relationships with domestic terrorists and card-carrying Communists, or his wife’s comments as his proxy on the campaign trail – but he’s also changed his position on everything from offshore drilling to when the troops should come home from Iraq faster than Brad and Angelina can sign the adoption papers for their next kid. (They want to be the first on their block to collect the whole set.)
In addition to Hope and Change™, Obama’s also banking his candidacy on a law degree (a dime a dozen in Washington), his experience as a community organizer (a.k.a. rabble rouser), his days as an Illinois state senator (where his voting record consisted of nearly 130 “presents”) and his 143+ days as a U.S. senator, where his biggest accomplishment has been to advance legislation that will cost American taxpayers a whopping $845 billion more than we already spend in foreign aid to help stop “global poverty” – with plenty of guidance from the UN.
My husband says that in retrospect, Obama makes John Kerry look experienced.
Some people believe that Obama’s trip to Switzerland will soon be canceled because of “the PR nightmare of leaving the country again to go hobnob and fleece international elites in Switzerland right before the election.” Perhaps since this event is set to happen during the Republican convention, the Obama campaign figured the fundraiser would fly under the radar.
But while Obama is busy seeking funding from Clooney & Co. in the exotic setting of Geneva, average Americans are wondering how they will fill up their cars and buy groceries for the week. They’re also looking at the continually improving situation in Iraq and see McCain as a much stronger Commander-in-Chief.
Sit down, take a load off and enjoy the cheese and crackers…the election is still a few months away!
Pam Meister is the editor of FamilySecurityMatters.org.

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